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Căn H01-L27 Khu A, Khu Đô Thị Dương Nội, Phường Dương Nội, Quận Hà Đông, Thành Phố Hà Nội.
- The price frame for importing electricity from Laos for the period from December 31, 2025 to the end of 2030 is approved at 6.4-6.78 cents/kWh, 0.17-0.55 cents/kWh lower than applicable level.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just approved the electricity import price framework for two types of hydropower plants and wind power plants from Laos to Vietnam, applicable to plants operating commercially in the period from December 31, 2025 to December 31. /2030.
Accordingly, the maximum purchase price from Lao hydropower plants is 6.78 cents/kWh (equivalent to 1,683 VND/kWh), while for wind power projects it is 6.4 cents/kWh (equivalent to 1,589 VND). /kWh). Currently, the price of electricity purchased from Laos until the end of 2025 is 6.95 cents/kWh. Thus, compared to the current price, the purchase price after 2025 is 0.17-0.55 cents/kWh lower.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade assigned Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and the power generation unit to negotiate electricity purchase and sale prices on the basis of this price framework, on the principle of harmonious benefits, shared risks and according to market mechanism. market price, ensuring the principle of maximum savings in electricity generation costs, competitive with electricity prices in Vietnam.
EVN is responsible for monitoring and promptly reporting to the Ministry in case of major fluctuations in the parameters for calculating the price frame for importing electricity from Laos.
According to the memorandum of understanding between the Governments of Laos and Vietnam, the minimum capacity of importing electricity from Laos to Vietnam by 2025 is about 3,000MW and by 2030 is about 5,000MW (Photo: EVN).
Importing electricity from Laos in 2025, according to EVN, will contribute to adding electricity sources to enhance the ability to ensure electricity supply, reducing the risk of electricity shortages for the North.
Comparing the ceiling price of wind power imported from Laos and other sources, EVN believes that wind power sources imported from Laos have much more competitive prices than domestic wind power sources that have been recognized for commercial operation before. November 1, 2021 when EVN buys electricity at a price of 9.8 cents/kWh (more than 2,380 VND/kWh) and lasts for 20 years.
According to Power Plan 8, orientation to 2030, importing electricity from Laos is about 5,000MW according to the Agreement between the two Governments, producing 18.8 billion kWh; can increase to 8,000MW. By 2050, import about 11,000MW, produce 37 billion kWh on a balanced basis with exports to ensure overall optimal efficiency.
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